Generate raster tiles
Generating raster tiles¶
In order to retrieve tiling information first we would need to generate tiles. One of the ways to do that is uploading data to platform using TilingWriter
as in the example below.
The samples below illustrate interaction with the Platform REST API. It is also possible to generate tiles using the SDK as you can find in Generate raster tiles
Sample request to generate tiles
openapikey="<replacewithopenapikey>" curl -L -X POST "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "dhi-open-api-key: $openapikey" \ --data-raw "{ \"projectId\": \"your-project-id\", \"uploadUrl\": \"http://sas-url-to-your-dataset\", \"outputDatasetData\": { \"name\": \"dataset-name\" }, \"readerName\": \"CopernicusGlobalAnalysisForecast\", \"writerName\": \"TilingWriter\", \"writerParameters\": [ { \"name\": \"Schemes\", \"value\": [ { \"itemName\": \"Temperature\", \"schemeId\": \"Tiles-Temperature\", \"outputType\": \"WEBP\", \"aggregationMethod\": \"Mean\", \"tileWidth\": 256, \"tileHeight\": 256, \"minValue\": -2.9, \"maxValue\": 33, \"colors\": [ \"7f03fc\", \"0331fc\", \"03fc20\", \"ffe600\", \"ff1212\" ], \"renderValuesOutOfRangeAsTransparent\": \"AboveAndBelow\" } ] } ] }"
Retrieve tiles metadata¶
Now that we have tiles generated for dataset, we could retrieve tiling metadata as in the example below.
Click to show example shell script
projectid="<replacewithprojectid>" openapikey="<replacewithopenapikey>" datasetid="<replacewithdatasetid>" curl -L -X GET "$datasetid/metadata" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "dhi-open-api-key: $openapikey" \ -H "dhi-project-id: $projectid" \ -H "dhi-dataset-id: $datasetid" \ -H "dhi-service-id: tiles" \ -H "api-version: 1" \