Reader - XYZ
ReaderName: XyzReader
This reader can read data from DHI's XYZ format. The implementation supports XYZ files that conform to the following specification:
- First two columns are X and Y coordinates, respectively, of type compatible with
- Third and further columns are optional and are read as type
. - By providing an optional parameter called
the column with Z coordinate can be specified. The index is zero based, meaning the minimum value is 2 (0 and 1 are X and Y) and the number should be smaller that the total number of columns - The file does not have a header row
- Values in a row are separated by a comma, tab, or space.
- All rows have the same number of columns
"projectId": "<projectId>",
"uploadUrl": "<fileUrl>",
"outputDatasetData": {
"name": "<dataset-name>"
"readerName": "XyzReader",
"writerName": "VtuWriter",
"readerParameters": [
"name": "ZColumnIndex",
"value": 2