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Query timeseries

1. Prepare query input

The input is equal for timestep and timeseries queries.

For 3D timeseries queries, the input format doesn't contain any Veritcal filter.

2. Execute query

POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/query-timeseries
POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/binary-query-timeseries
POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/query-timeseries-3d
POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/binary-query-timeseries-3d
IMultidimensionalClient _mdClient ;// see SDK how to get the client

//with default options
var result = await _mdClient.QueryTimeseries(projectId, datasetId, queryInput);

//with binary data payload explicit options
var options = new DHI.WaterData.Models.Serialization.MD.BinaryOptions { CoordinatePrecision = 1 };
var result = await _mdClient.QueryTimesteps(projectId, datasetId, queryInput,options);

3. Process result

The result is common for timestep and timeseries queries. See common properties for query result

Specific timeseries result properties:

  • Timesteps : Contains ordered array of timestep values.
  • Datablock.ElementIndex : Index refers to the position in the Result.Elements array.

Binary options

See Binary protocol description.

SDK binary options:

  • CoordinatePrecision : number of decimal places in mesh node coordinates. Set to null to get full double values.
  • IncludeMeshId : Set to false if you don't use the Id value