Reader - TopoJSON

ReaderName: TopoJsonReader

This reader can read data from the TopoJSON format. TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. Instead of representing geometries independently, TopoJSON files stitch geometries together using shared line segments called arcs. Arcs are sequences of points, while line strings and polygons are defined as sequences of arcs.

However, the current implementation has a limitation: it can only read TopoJSON files with a single layer. Writing to feature classes from files with multiple layers is not supported.

TopoJSON does not natively support spatial reference definitions (CRS). While some files may include CRS information in their metadata for documentation or custom tools, GDAL will ignore this metadata. You must explicitly define the spatial reference in the reader parameters.

The reader has one required parameter: - SRID: Spatial reference ID

      "projectId": "<projectId>",
      "uploadUrl": "<fileUrl>",
      "outputDatasetData": {
        "name": "<dataset-name>"
      "readerName": "TopoJsonReader",
      "writerName": "GISWriter",
      "readerParameters": [
          "name": "SRID",
          "value": "4326"