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Obtain results

Results for simulations using the MIKE Cloud Platform

Once the execution finishes, all the execution results are saved in the MIKE Cloud Platform. Outputs in MIKE Cloud Platform are uploaded to the folder specified by resultsRelativePath. This path is relative to root project (the project in the context of which the execution is started) or subprojectId if specified. If resultsRelativePath is left empty, execution results are uploaded to the root project.

Results can be downloaded using e.g. the download functionality in MIKE Cloud Admin.

Results for simulations using blob storage

Once the engine execution finishes, you can get its results by the outputLocation URL. Engine execution default outputLocation is available for 30 days. If this time period is not enough, a custom output location should be provided in the execution call, under the parameter output.

There is a special class to demonstrate how to handle engine run outputs.

Azure Storage provides APIs in various programming languages, you can use them to download files. Example in C#:

public async static Task<IEnumerable<IListBlobItem>> GetBlobsFromOutputLocationAsync(Uri outputLocation)
    var container = new CloudBlobContainer(outputLocation);
    return (await container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(null)).Results;