Reader - GeoTiff

ReaderName: GeoTiffReader

This reader can read data from GeoTIFF format. The implementation supports GeoTiff files that conform to the following specification:

  • Has a single or multiple bands, all bands have the same spatial domain (cell size, extent, etc.). Each band will be treated as a single Item. When Band_Name is specified on a band metadata, it will be used as the Item name, otherwise band1, band2, ... will be used for the items.
  • Each band is in one of the following GDAL Data types GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_Int32, GDT_Float32, GDT_Float64.
  • No time steps are present, a default time step will be added when converting to multidimensional model.
  • Spatial reference must be defined according to GeoTIFF specifications by WKT string, or it must be specified by SRID reader parameter.
      "projectId": "<projectId>",
      "uploadUrl": "<fileUrl>",
      "outputDatasetData": {
        "name": "<dataset-name>"
      "readerName": "GeoTiffReader",
      "writerName": "MDWriter",
      "readerParameters": [
          "name": "SRID",
          "value": 4326