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How-to troubleshoot

As an execution can fail in any of the available statuses, depending on where execution has failed, different log data may be available. For instance engine log will not be available if execution failed in EvaluatingInputSize or DownloadingInputFiles states.

In case of unsuccessful or unexpected execution there are different ways of troubleshooting it.

Partial result files

By default the partial result files of a cancelled or unsuccesful simulation are uploaded to the output location. Checking the content of these files can provide additional insight in what caused the simulation to fail.

Execution details

To get more information about executions status and/or failure, associated error message and state failure has occured in it is possible to get execution details using endpoint: GET/api/compute/execution/{executionId}, where executionId is the ID of the corresponding engine execution.

    "executionId": "f18c3eb4-d65a-44c0-96d3-ed2a52336fa0",
    "outputLocation": "",
    "status": "Failure",
    "message": "Error when evaluating file size",
    "projectId": "9bbbbd21-ae77-44fd-bebf-f3e913f610b4",
    "customerId": "a4b87340-d5c7-42f9-8817-19505ebe552b",
    "createdAt": "2020-12-01T14:20:16.1981438Z",
    "startedAt": "2020-12-01T14:20:21.9743242Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-12-01T14:25:16.0493822Z",
    "finishedAt": "2020-12-01T14:25:16.0493824Z",
    "engines": [
            "name": "FemEngineHD",
            "version": "2020.1"
    "poolType": "VM-S-5",
    "virtualMachineSize": "Standard_DS2_v2",
    "nodeCount": 1,
    "runningSetupIndex": 0,
    "totalNumberOfSetups": 1

The following error would be received on attempting to get details for non existing execution:

    "type": "Object not found",
    "status": 404,
    "detail": "Engine execution [executionId] not found"

More information about tracking execution can be found here


To get more insight in where the issue might be it is possible to get diagnostics logs for execution.

To check and investigate execution logs use the following endpoint:


There executionId is the ID of the corresponding engine execution.

    "executionId": "f18c3eb4-d65a-44c0-96d3-ed2a52336fa0",
    "diagnosticsLocation": ""

Follow Microsoft instructions on how to connect to container to view its content in the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

Depending on the state which engine execution stopped or was terminated at, diagnostics container might have different available logs. In this example it might look something like this: Diagnostics.png

More information about getting diagnostics data can be found here

Review inputs to engine execution

Sometimes an execution can fail or give unexpected results because inputs are not passed correctly, are missing or are inappropriate for execution. To check and reevaluate execution inputs the GET/api/compute/execution/{executionId}/input endpoint can be used, where executionId is the ID of the corresponding engine execution.

    "inputs": {
        "inputs": [
                "uri": "",
                "localPath": "lake2.m21fm",
                "engine": "FemEngineHD",
                "version": "2020.1"
                "uri": "",
                "localPath": "lake.mesh"
        "options": {
            "poolType": "VM-S-5",
            "nodeCount": 1
    "isPlatformData": false

From the above response we could conclude that one of the URI's is incorrect: should indeed be

More information about checking execution inputs can be found here

Unexpected behaviour

The API is meant to be resistant to misuse, you should get problem details for things like executing non-existent engine or cancelling non-existent execution. If something surprises you, contact the team at