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Query timesteps

1. Prepare query input

The input is equal for timestep and timeseries queries.

2. Execute query

  POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/query
  POST /api/md/dataset/{id}/binary-query
  IMultidimensionalClient _mdClient ;// see SDK how to get the client

  //with default options
  var result = await _mdClient.QueryTimesteps(projectId, datasetId, queryInput);

  //with binary data payload explicit options
  var options = new DHI.WaterData.Models.Serialization.MD.BinaryOptions { CoordinatePrecision = 1 };
  var result = await _mdClient.QueryTimesteps(projectId, datasetId, queryInput,options);

3. Process result

The result is common for timestep and timeseries queries. See common properties for query result

Specific timestep result properties:

  • Datablock.TimeIndex : represents timestep index in the dataset temporal domain definition.

Binary options

See Binary protocol description.

SDK options:

  • CoordinatePrecision : number of decimal places in mesh node coordinates. Set to null to get full double values.
  • IncludeMeshId : Set to false if you don't use the Id value