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Folders on container

Note: This section is specific to container-based jobs running in Kubernetes

Folders provided by container image

By default the folders provided by the container image are read-only for security reasons. So utilities such as apt-get or similar may not work as expected, because they may try to write to these locations.

Folders provided by the Cloud Platform

The job service will provision some folders to each job. These are: - /work where the user has read/write access. Input files are downloaded into this location, and output files can be taken from it. It is expected that most file IO will happen in this folder. For more information on the limits of the "work" folder see link. - /tmp where the user also has read/write access. This folder is not expected to contain as much data as the "work" folder. The $HOME variable is also set to this location, so that processes that expect to write to the home folder can do that. - /config where the user only has readonly access. This folder contains the secret values projected from kubernetes secret objects (if the user has requested any).