Writer - NetcdfWriter

WriterName: NetcdfWriter

Takes a multidimensional model input and writes a Netcdf file. The input can be directly read from a file (e.g. DFS2, DFS3) or from a multidimensional storage.


  • The Netcdf file specification dictates that every item/variable should have a "standard_name" attribute populated from a predefined table (see link). The user should provide the mapping for the items contained in the source via writer parameter ItemMap, which is a collection simple objects:
        itemName: <name of the item in the source>,
        standardName: <desired standard name in the output>,
        units: <desired name of the units in the output>
  • currently only gridded data is supported by the writer
  • only non-projected data can be written by the writer
  • Netcdf version 3 can be generated if the writer is supplied with parameter UseNetcdfVersion3 (boolean)