Diagnostics data, collected during the execution run and uploaded once execution is completed, can be accessed by using the sas url diagnosticsLocation
received in the response when calling the GET/api/compute/execution/{executionId}/diagnostics
endpoint with the ID of the corresponding engine execution, e.g.:
Click to show example commands to get execution diagnostics
# get execution diagnostics
curl -L -X GET "https://api.mike-cloud-test.com/api/compute/execution/$executionId/diagnostics" \
-H 'api-version: 2' \
-H 'dhi-service-id: engine' \
-H "dhi-project-id: $projectId" \
-H "dhi-open-api-key: $openapikey"
var computeClient = new ComputeClient(PlatformEnvironment.Dev /* your target environment */, new OpenApiKeyPolicy("your openapi key"));
var location = await computeClient.GetExecutionDiagnosticsLocationAsync(projectId, executionId);
"executionId": "13ef752b-1b93-45b9-9677-37cd0316b049",
"diagnosticsLocation": "https://coreenginedev0data.blob.core.windows.net/13ef752b-1b93-45b9-9677-37cd0316b049-diag?sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=SFhbJletoW0t23s0Z9jlk2UJbNiV8%2BywA0mEYZ3p7oo%3D&se=2020-11-02T08%3A03%3A27Z&sp=rl"
See how to Obtain the results for an example on how to access the blobs.
Execution runner application collects following information:
File name | File content |
stderr.txt | Error output of engine run |
stdout.log | Output of engine run |
taskinfo.json | Information from Azure Batch task |
runnerexception.txt | Exception handled in runner program main, if any |
runnerunhandledexception.txt | Unhandled exception in runner program, if any |
There will be a work directory included for each executed setup. The files will be stored in 0-indexed folder:
File name | File content |
workingdircontent.txt | List of files in working dir (recursive) |
runnerprocessresult.json | Exit code, output, error output, process parameter and process file name |