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Named licences endpoint

Add slots

Endpoint for adding slots in intended for internal use by DHI Business Systems. The required role is UserManager. It can bee used to add new slots to the systems. As a parameter it takes a collection of slot inputs with billing reference type, billing reference, and expiration date.


Get slot list

Use this endpoint to list all slots for a billing reference type and billing reference. This endpoint is supposed to be used for displaying all slots to a MIKE Cloud Administrator when working with slots. The required role is MIKE Cloud Administrator.

It returns a collection of slot details including the principal id, name and email. If these properties are empty, that means the slot has not been assigned to a principal.


Click to show example shell script

curl -k -X GET  \
"$billingReferenceType&billingReference=$billingReference" \
-H "api-version: 4"
-H "Authorization: $token"

Get slot details

Use this endpoint to get details of a specific slot by its slot ID. The response includes principal ID, email, and name if the slot has been assigned. If these three properties are empty, it means the slot has not been assigned yet. The required role is MIKE Cloud Administrator or UserManager.


Get slot details by principal ID

Use this endpoint to get details of a specific slot by a principal ID.Principal ID in this context is a User ID. The response includes, principal email and name. The required role is MIKE Cloud Administrator.


Clear slot

Use this endpoint to remove assigned principal from a slot. This clears the slot and prepares it for new assignment. This is a DELETE endpoint, but it requires a body with billing reference type, billing reference, and slot row version. The required role is MIKE Cloud Administrator or UserManager.


Delete slot

Use this endpoint to completely remove a slot. This endpoint is intended for internal use by DHI Business Services. The required role is UserManager.


Update slot

Use this endpoint to assign a principal (in this context a User) to a slot. The input requires principal ID, billing reference type, billing reference, and the slot row version. The required role is MIKE Cloud Administrator.
