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Labels and taints


Labels, taints and taint tolerations are mechanism for choosing the node where each job pod will effectively run. The selection of the node may or may not be important to you - in many cases the default scheduling algorithm may pick the right kind of node for you, without the need to specify any labels or tolerations. However, in some cases you may want to consider choosing a specific type of node, such as when doing cost optimization, or when your computational task benefits from running on a GPU-equipped node.

Getting information about cluster node pools

The endpoint GET​/api​/process/cluster/list will provide information about available clusters and their nodepools. A sample response is shown below:

    "data": [
            "properties": {
                "name": "aks-1-dev",
                "clustertype": "kubernetes",
                "nodepools": [
                        "name": "jobpooldef",
                        "labels": [
                        "taints": [
                        "name": "jobpoolspot1",
                        "labels": [
                        "taints": [


Labels on a node (or node pool) describe its capabilities. In the previous sample listing of clusters and their nodepools we can see that the one available cluster has two nodepools. Each defines a list of 2 labels. These happen to be standardized platform-specific labels.

Label Values Description
dhi.platform/ispreemptive true false
dhi.platform/vmsize (varies) Indicates the size or type of the VM in the node pool


Node taints indicate aspects that have to be tolerated in order to schedule pods on that node. There is currently one taint in use - dhi.platform/ispreemptive=true (same as the label described above), which is used to run jobs on spot-based VMs. Tolerating this taint means accepting the fact that the jobs can be evicted mid-execution, or they may take longer to start (because the availability of the machines is subject to prioritization). However, the benefit of tolerating this drawback is lower price of the VM.

Choosing the right label and toleration combination

When choosing the right node on which to run, a collection of requiredLabels and toleratedTaints is available in the ContainerRuntimeSpec object. - by populating the collection of requiredLabels with some values you indicate you want to run your job on a node with such labels - by populating the toleratedTaints collection you indicate the job is allowed to run on nodes with such taints. - The dhi.platform/type=job label and toleration are automatically added to each job without the need for user input.


Using the sample cluster listing from above we can specify some valid combinations of labels and taints and the resulting effect

Allow running on a spot machine

    "runtime": {
        "type": "ContainerRuntimeSpec",
        "containers": ...,
        "toleratedTaints": [
The tolerated taint indicates that we are aware of the spot-based VM limitations and we accept them - so the job can run on a spot machine. However, the toleration does not mean that the job has to run on a spot-based VM. So in effect the job may or may not run on a spot-based VM.

Require running on a spot machine

    "runtime": {
        "type": "ContainerRuntimeSpec",
        "containers": ...,
        "requiredLabels": [
        "toleratedTaints": [
Not only does this job allow running on a spot-based VM, but it also requires due to the label requiring the dhi.platform/ispreemptive=true label.

Run on a specific machine size

    "runtime": {
        "type": "ContainerRuntimeSpec",
        "containers": ...,
        "requiredLabels": [
This job would require running on a Standard_ND96amsr_v4 GPU enabled machine. No toleration is listed, so it would not run on the spot-based VMs. If the machine size is not available (e.g. such pool with this machine type does not exist) then the job will not be scheduled anywhere else.