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Coordinate System transformation


Models with spatial domain can be transformed from one coordinate system to another. This transformation has two parameters:

  • inputSrid: Input spatial reference ID indicating the input coordinate system. This parameter is optional, the model's SRID is used when missing.
  • outputSrid Output (target) spatial reference ID indicating the output coordinate system.

For complete list of coordinate systems see the Coordinate System endpoints on the GIS Service.


This request to /api/conversion/upload-convert

  "readerName": "<reader name>",
  "writerName": "<writer name>",
  "transformations": [
        type: "CrsTransformation",
        inputSrid: 4326,
        outputSrid: 27700
var transferResult = await transferClient
            .CreateFileImport(projectId, "<local file>")
            .WithCoordinateSystemTransformation(27700, 4326)