ReaderName: HycomReader
This reader can process data from Hycom GLBa, GLBv and GLBy products. For the GLBa product, the result will be a dataset with mesh domain, the other two are nonequidistant or equidistant grids (based on the metadata in the file).
- allows the user to override the SRID associated with the dataset (4326 for GLBv/y, 600440 for GLBa). -
- It is advisable to filter the items so that only relevant data is actually stored. This can be achieved using a reader parameter called . An example request might look like this:{ projectId: <projectId>, uploadUrl: <fileUrl>, outputDatasetData: { name: <dataset-name> }, readerName: 'HycomReader', writerName: 'MDWriter', readerParameters: [ { name: 'AllowedItemNames', value: '["salinity", "surf_el", "water_temp", "water_u", "water_v"]' } ] }
- optional parameter that gives a hint to the reader as to what representation to assign to coordinates found in the file. Values are "CenterOfCell", which means the coordinates represent centers of cells, or "BottomLeftBorder" (default), which indicates that the coordinates are given with respect to the bottom left border of the cell.