MIKE Cloud Platform SDK

MIKE Cloud Platform SDK

MIKE Cloud Platform SDK allows you to programmatically access MIKE Cloud Platform.

Currently the SDK is split into several NuGet packages. Packages include release notes and ReadMe.md file with package description. All packages are hosted on internal NuGet feed MikeCore.

Main SDK package: DHI.Platform.SDK.

Spatial SDK package: DHI.Platform.SDK.Spatial.

We also provide command line interface (CLI). The CLI is currently hosted as a NuGet package DHI.Platform.Cli. If you have access to the NuGet feed, you can install the CLI as a global tool following this tutorial.

Explore our sample ASP.NET application to help you get started with development of your own. Please note that you will need app registration in order to create your own web app, for more details or in case that you need support contact wdpservice@dhigroup.com.

You can also see example usage of the SDK in Sample Tests.